Thursday, July 19, 2007


Bach Medical finally called me. I've been waiting since April, when I applied to the disability office for a scooter. My doctor originally wanted me to get a wheel chair, but that is so uncool. I talked him out of it. I called Bach at the end of May and they told me they were still waiting for disability to ok the request and if I didn't hear from them within two weeks it would mean the scooter had been ordered and they would let me know when it arrives.

Today the man told me that they had dropped the ball and that they forgot to do an in-home study, which is required before disability will ok it. He told me that the deadline for my application is coming up and that if they don't get it done right away we will have to start the whole process over again. So, he set up an appointment to come here next Tuesday to measure doorways and hallways to make sure the chair will fit in the house. (that's the in home study??)

UPDATE: 8:00 PM: The triplets showed up alone and I was starting to really worry. But, about 10 minutes after they arrived the momma showed up. They had a happy reunion and then the little ones started being brats again. They take off in three different directions, going up trees or into bushes. Momma was trying to keep them corraled, but she was having a hard time. The babies sure kept close to mom, though, when the fox showed up. Now we only have two sets of triplets without moms.

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