Saturday, September 16, 2006


We had planned on taking Kairi to the Exotic Animal Paradise when she got a little older, but found out recently that it has been sold to a developer and will be closing October 1st. This would be the only chance she could get to go.
She loved it!! We bought food for the animals and drove through the park. The animals (buffalo, elk, llamas, deer, Texas long Horns) came right up to the truck.
Daddy was holding Kairi in the front seat and as each animal came to us she would let out a big "ohhhhhhhhh". Grandpa took pictures of those animals with his good camera and I will get them posted as soon as the film is developed. The pics I have posted today are ones I took as we walked through the petting zoo area.

UPDATE, MARCH 26, 2007: Grandpa took the film to Walmart for developing and we found out the whole roll was bad. It was so bad that Walmart would not even develop it, so we lost all those cute pics of our day at the Animal Paradise.

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