Friday, September 1, 2006


Friday, September 01, 2006

Chris called me yesterday to ask if I could front him some money so he could leave work. I guess he didn't hear those 10 million lectures about saving money for emergencies I've given him over the years.

He was real sick, but, couldn't afford to lose any money if he left work. Being the good sucker I am, I told him I would help him. I only did this because I know how sick he gets. About three - four times a year he starts feeling bad, then his lungs dry up and he can't breath. He has also described symptoms that sounded like sinus trouble. Last time this happened he went to a walk-in clinic and they didn't even take chest xrays or run any blood tests. $135.00 later they told him they couldn't find anything.

This time I made an appointment at a real doctor. Ken and I went and picked him up this morning and he looked like hell. The Dr. claimed Chris's lungs were clear, but did give him a prescription for an inhaler and an antibiotic. There is definitely something wrong, but we can't find anyone who'll take the time to run the proper tests. By the time we got done at the doctor's office, the drug store, and dropping him back at his house, both Ken and I were ready for some medical attention.

We were just about ready to head for home when I remembered that today was the day that Kairi's pics at Penny's were supposed to be in. We turned around and headed for the mall. The pics are gorgeous! It's going to be hard to pick out the ones we want and give the rest away. Anytime Kairi is involved, it's always a good day.

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