Friday, August 25, 2006

QUIT 123

Friday, August 25, 2006:

We went to Marshfield for another stop smoking shot. I've fallen for the biggest scam ever.

Months ago we saw on our local news a story about a new needle less shot that will make you quit smoking. The guy who developed this is supposedly a doctor and he noticed that when people have surgery, they usually have no desire to smoke for 3-4 days afterwards. He claims he did a study and found an ingredient in the anesthesia that will stop the nicotine urge. He developed this shot and made it sound like once you get it, you automatically go back to your pre-smoking days, like you've never smoked at all.

I called them and my first question was how do they justify the high cost ($595.00). I should of taken the hint from his answer: "you spend more than that on cigarettes in one year". The do have a lifetime guarantee that if you ever start smoking again you get the shot over for free. I had my first shot in April and within one week I was smoking again.

They send home a packet of tips and reading them, I could see that this system was no different than the gum or patches. The tips talked about finding something else to do with your hands, etc....same ole shit.

They give you three drugs to take every day which completely turn you in to a zombie. I don't know how they can claim you can go back to work the very next day because you are so drugged up you can't function. While in the Dr.'s office, they have you talk to a physciatrist who tells you to get a hobby to keep yourself busy. I explained to him that I have a bad back and cannot do much of anything besides sit or lay down.

When he called me to see how I was doing after the first shot and I told him I was smoking again, he acted like he didn't remember me telling him about my back problems. He told me my case is different and to make another appointment and by the time I get to the office, he will have worked out a different plan for me. So, I decided to give it one more try. Today was no different than the first time. He hadn't come up with a different plan, it was the same crap; find a hobby, chew on a piece of candy, etc...

I got the shot, went home and slept most of the day, woke up at 6:00 tonight and had a cigarette.

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