Monday, July 17, 2006


Monday, July 17, 2006

Our new kitchen cabinets arrived tonight. We were told they would be delivered between noon and 6 pm. At 8 pm I finally called Kraftmaid and was told that we were last on the list of deliveries and they would be here shortly.

Finally at 10:30 the truck pulled in. Getting the semi into the driveway was nerve racking. The truck pulled into the drive across the highway from us, and backed into our drive. The driver's helper/girlfriend was on one side of the truck with a flashlight and Ken was on the other side, both stopping traffic so the truck could back up. Cars were backed up quit a ways, and honking their horns, which didn't make it any easier for the driver. He had to back up a little, then pull forward to straighten out his wheels and try it again. After several tries, he finally made it.

We had to take off our front door to get the boxes in the house, which meant turning off the air conditioner for a while. Naturally, this had to be one of the hottest nights of the year and the humidity immediately filled up the house. I was sweating horribly, and all I did was stand there and watch. There is now no room at all in our living room. I had it arranged as a makeshift kitchen while the remodeling was being done, but now it's impossible to do anything in there. My new dream is to have them installed before Christmas! I feel like I'm living in Arkansas!

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